Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

I've never thought that a Blog was something that I would want nor need to do, but due to my recent diagnosis of Breast Cancer I have decided that a Blog would help me to sort out my own head and to let my family and friends know exactly what's going on with me. In the few days since I received the devastating news I've found that talking about it helps so writing about it should also help!

So here it is, my first Blog! I intend to be blatantly honest and give full disclosure about "My Life With Breast Cancer". I'll post as often as I can or as I have more to tell. Please feel free to leave a comment if you'd like!

To start....a HUGE Thank You to everyone for your love and support of both Paul and I as we start down the rough road ahead! We are very appreciative!!! People beat this every day and I intend to be one of them!

Stay tuned!


  1. Big Hugs from your Big Brother. I Love you so much. I'm here for you.

  2. I love you too Stevie!! I'll be calling on you for more of your big hugs!

  3. Our thoughts & prayers are with you both!Anything you need don't hesitate to let us know.Lots of hugs!! Love, Corrie, Glenn & Carlee xox
