From there we went over to the Cancer Clinic to meet with the Medical Oncologist. Actually first we met with the RN Chantal...she was great! She told us exactly what was going to happen during our first meeting. Next a resident came in and talked to us more about what was going on inside me and what the next steps would be, and she examined and measured my newly nicknamed tumour......"Ted". Paul gave it this name....Ted's a jerk and is not welcome here!
Oh, and it was discovered that I have a heart murmur! Great! One more thing.... Why was I never told this before?!? Apparently it's quite normal and nothing to be concerned about.
We asked the resident (Isabel?...can't remember, will find out for sure) if there was any way we would be able to travel with the Family to Mexico on May 2 for our nieces wedding...the resident say "no". Paul immediately disliked her! But, we've known all along that it was a real possibility that we might have to cancel. We had decided that we wouldn't cancel the trip until the very last possible moment...just in case.
Dr. Potvin was next, she's the Medical Oncologist.....and as Paul puts it she looks like a "TV Doctor". She really does! She was fantastic and really put us at ease about everything that is going to happen.
As long as my next few tests come back with the right results (of which I can't remember right now what those are) I will be part of a study. Basically I get the same drugs as the standard treatment but I get them in a different order. First I will go through 3 cycles of the first 3 drugs (all at once) at 3 week intervals. Then I will get the 4th drug in 3 cycles at 3 week intervals. While I'm getting this 4th drug I will undergo Radiation at the same time. Four weeks after I'm done radiation (and my hair is growing back) I will have a mastectomy to remove the breast. Three out of four women who have already gone through this were found to have absolutely no cancer cells left when they went for their mastectomy! Of course this is what I wish for myself. After the study was explained in detail I signed the consent form.
Dr. Potvin told us about all of the side hair loss, nausea, tired during radiation, "sunburn" type reaction at the radiation site, and a bunch more possibilities.
We were also told that "Ted" has no friends! My CT scan results came back with no other tumours and nothing of any real concern. I do have a cyst on one of my ovaries, of which is normal for women in their 30's and a small cyst on my liver that the doctor is not concerned about but both will be checked again in 6 months anyway.
The resident had mentioned to Dr. Potvin that we had a trip booked....this is where Paul falls in love with my doctor....she said we could go!!! Lots of patients travel in the early stages of their treatment with little to no trouble! So I will have my first chemo treatment on Friday April 30, a nurse will come to the house 24 hours later on the Saturday morning and will give me an injection and I'm good to go! I have 2 prescriptions to have filled so that if I start to get a fever I take them immediately and it should just go away but I'm to report to the resort's on-call doctor should this happen. I just have to take it easy and not over do it while we're more baking in the sun and making friends with the bartender. Oh well! That's not anything I can't handle. We have a lot of running around and packing to do now!
Along with my prescription for the travel drugs I left with a prescription for a wig! I can get anything I do you think I'll look as a blonde? Jet black? Red? Maybe I'll get all of them! This could turn out to be fun!...sort of....there is still Ted to deal with.
There are programs offered by the clinic that we intend to take full advantage of. One that Jennifer will have to go with me is called "Look Good Feel Great"....finally Jen will learn how to paint on my eye brows! Haha!!
I will be meeting with another doctor in a few weeks to discuss "Complimentary Therapies"....things like nutrition and stuff I can be doing on my own at home that will help evict Ted.
We found the Cancer Clinic to be a pleasant atmosphere (almost "hotel like") and everyone who works there to be very nice. It's really not as scary as I thought it would be.
When we finally left the Cancer Clinic we felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders and a much brighter outlook on our future! What a relief! Dillon's right....there is Hope!
Next Steps:
- Monday - bone scan and blood tests and hopefully going to work in the afternoon.
- Tuesday - meet with yet another Oncologist... I'm unsure of what about at this point. Then work.
- Wednesday - Work!
- Thursday - Work!
- Friday - First Chemo, not sure about work after that one.
- Saturday - Travel shots
- Sunday - MEXICO!!
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