Friday, April 16, 2010

Meeting the Surgeon

So I got the results on the Monday April 12, 2010 - we were devastated and spent a lot of time holding each other and crying. More than once I asked "why me?" "What did I do to deserve this?!?"

Along with the team of workers in our basement we had many visitors that day...I don't know if they basement guys knew what was going on but I'm sure they wondered why so many people kept showing up and weren't asking about the basement. Drinks were totally called for that night! I did not sleep for more than an hour Monday night and it definitely wasn't all at once. This made Tuesday a long day.

Tuesday April 13, 2010 - even though my best friend Jennifer had rushed to my side on Monday she returned to spend the day with me on Tuesday! Her presence was a much needed distraction. Jennifer always knows just what to say to make me feel better. We hung out around the house and talked about everything and anything and nothing all at the same time! Paul showed up at the house after making some sales calls and took Jen and I out for lunch. I hadn't eaten since the Monday morning so I was in dire need of sustenance. After returning from lunch Jen and I took a walk around the neighbourhood and a nearby park. After a day spent with Jen I had a much better outlook.....just take it one day at a time! I made a conscience decision that Wednesday would be spent working. I drove over to the office after it was closed to drop off some work I had completed and pick up more. I went home and slept all night!

Wednesday April 14, 2010 - I awoke at 7:00 am, I was giddy! I was so happy to have slept all night that I just wanted to get up and get the day started! So I did. I sat at my dining room table with my work spread out in front of me and worked all day! I received 2 beautiful flower arrangements from our family at UPI which did brighten my day greatly! However the meeting with the Surgeon was looming and making me very nervous. I slept alright.

Thursday April 14, 2010 - Meeting the Surgeon
Another nerve racking day! I was on an emotional roller coaster from the moment I woke up but our appointment wasn't until 2:45 so I had some time fill. More flowers arrived and I cried....they were so beautiful but I hated receiving them because it meant that I really am sick. Paul arrived at home around 1:30 and we headed to the hospital. We sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. I spent a little time with God as we waited. I prayed that he would give me the strength to get through the day and to accept what lay ahead for me and for us. I prayed that Paul would have the strength to walk the road with me.

I pray a lot for Paul. I know how much he loves me and that he would do absolutely anything for me but I still pray for his strength.

Finally we were called wait some more! We waited in the doctor's office, as usual I had to change into the robe. I'm thinking of just getting my own! I've worn them so often lately and will be wearing more and more of them! Anyway, we waited. The nurse came in and went over my previous tests with us and then examined me. First time Paul got to see someone else touching me! Haha! Not as "hot" as he thought it would be! She left, we waited some more for the Doctor. Dr. Lesley Scott came in to talk to us about my cancer and what the course of treatment will be. She too examined me and told us that there would be more testing before my treatment would start. I would need another biopsy to determine what type of Chemo I will require. I have to have a bone scan and a CT scan. These tests would happen the following week and treatments would start probably the week after. It was decided that I would go through Chemo and Radiation at the same time and surgery to follow. My hope is that the Chemo and Radiation will shrink the lump down to nothing so I don't have to have the Mastectomy....but for now it's treatment, positive thinking and prayer! He will get us through!!!

So far my CT scan is scheduled for Friday April other dates yet.

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