Over the last few weeks I've noticed some hair growth...I didn't want to mention anything too soon because it was possible that it would fall out again with the phase 2 drug. But, I've now had 4 treatments in phase 2 and there are no signs that it will fall out again!!

Here you can see the growth. Up close you can see that it is a full head of hair, but most of it is baby fine and white. The dark is sparse but the white hairs will eventually turn dark and fill in the rest of my head.
I've seen lots of women at the clinic who's hair is growing back and they just let it grow and it ends up looking bad....very thin and sparse. I intend to keep mine trimmed up short until I have a full head of dark hair and will continue to wear the wig when I need to. I really like my buzz cut and can't wait to have it back!
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