Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eviction Notice #3

Monday June 14, 2010 - Eviction Notice #3

We arrived at the Cancer clinic for my 9:00 am Chemo appointment to find our new friends waiting in the waiting room for their Chemo appointments. Michelle, Carrie and Debbie where all there to undergo their last chemo treatment! We were all seated in the "sunny side" of the room all in a row. We were able to sit and chat as we all got our different treatments. It is so unbeleivable how so many women can be diagnosed with "Breast Cancer" but how all of our treatments are so very different! I was only in the chair for just over an hour, but I'm still early in my treatment. Michelle was in for just a little while longer so we waited to see her ring the bell! What a fantastic moment that was for her! Again, I can't wait to be ringing that bell for myself! I think Debbie would have been the next one out an hour after Michelle she had 2 drugs to take in, then Carrie said that she would be in the chair for 6 hours that day! What a trooper!! I don't think that any of my treatments will be that long, I can't imagine sitting in that chair (even though it is very comfortable) for that long!

After treatment I went home to rest! Paul was home for lunch and then off to make more sales calls! I spent the next 2 days either on the couch or in bed. At first it was because I felt a little nauseaus (my kick ass drugs took care of that in a hurry) but then I was just very very tired and couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I was worried on Tuesday that because I had slept for most of the day that I wouldn't sleep at all Tuesday night....making Wednesday a very long day! Well as it turned out, I slept through the night and woke up completely refreshed Wednesday 4:30 am to my alarm clock that told me it was 6:30 am!! Apparently when I went to bed on Tuesday night I tried to set my alarm but in the process I changed the time on my clock to two hours ahead! When I tried to get up at 4:30 thinking it was 6:30 Paul rolled over and asked "what are you doing?" I replied "I'm getting up to get ready for work"....Paul looked at the clock on his side and said "at 4:30?!?" It was then that I realized that I must have messed up my clock the night before. I went back to sleep to wake up two hours so refreshed this time!

Oh well, I still got up and got ready for was great to be back in the office and not spaced out on the couch!

Now the next 2 and a half weeks will be spent working and getting as much in place as I can for phase 2 because we just don't know how I'm going to feel. I hope to be able to do at least 3 days a week at work but we'll see when the time comes.

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